cocaine hangover

What is a Cocaine Hangover and How to Feel Better

A cocaine hangover, or comedown, is an unpleasant consequence caused by using the drug. The cocaine comedown phase occurs as the drug wears off and causes the opposite effects of those caused during the euphoric phase. Although many people experience hangovers with other substances like alcohol, those with cocaine hangovers experience some symptoms that are…

cocaine nose

Cocaine Nose: What is it and How Does it Happen?

The term “cocaine nose” refers to a collection of short-term or long-term cocaine-related nasal problems, ranging from chronic drippy nose to perforation of the septum and nasal septum decay.  Cocaine is a dangerous drug that is typically used recreationally. As a stimulant, cocaine creates a high and boosts mood and energy. These effects nurture dependence…

addicted to heroin

Your Friend Might Be Addicted to Heroin: Signs to Look For

Seeing a friend addicted to heroin can be one of the most painful experiences you will ever experience in life. It is easy to become confused, frustrated, helpless, and sad.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, More than 13,000 Americans died from a heroin overdose in 2020, a death rate of over…

7 stages of addiction

The 7 Stages of Addiction: What to Expect in Your Journey to Sobriety

The 7 stages of addiction are used as a blueprint for how addiction typically develops. Substance addiction does not occur all at once; instead, an individual’s addiction is the result of repeated substance abuse that alters their perspective on a drug and how it affects their body. Every person’s progression through this process is the…


Tramadol Addiction: How to Recognize the Signs and Get Help

Because of its addictive potential, tramadol has become a popular target for addicts. It has also been prescribed more heavily than some other opioid painkillers, since it has been considered non addictive in the past. Tramadol has been abused by some individuals who are unaware of its addictive potency or the hazards it poses. Those…

drug induced psychosis

Is It Drug Induced Psychosis? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is drug induced psychosis? According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, a psychotic episode is one in which an individual becomes disconnected from reality. Delusions, which are strongly held false beliefs that are contradicted by clear evidence, are often present but not always present in an episode of psychosis. About 3% of people…

drug problem

Overcoming Your Alcohol or Drug Problem: You Don’t Have to do it Alone

Overcoming your alcohol or drug problem can be very difficult. It’s crucial to understand how to address addiction if you or a loved one is struggling with substance addiction or an unsafe habit. The first step in rehabilitation is recognizing that there is a problem and gaining more information about how to quit.  The first…


5 Therapeutic Ways to Treat Cocaine Addiction

Chronic cocaine use can lead to long-lasting changes in the brain. These changes can alter a person’s perception, judgment, and memory, making it increasingly difficult to avoid taking the drug. Even after detox, many recovering individuals struggle to maintain their recovery. Depending on the severity of cocaine dependence, individuals may need to go through a…