woman sitting in a dark corner with her head down

Crippling Depression: A Guide to Understanding Severe Depression

Depression is a complex and challenging mental health condition affecting millions worldwide. The prevalence of this condition means it is more important than ever to understand and recognize severe depression in yourself and others. While there are various forms of depression, severe depression, often referred to as ‘crippling depression,’ presents unique challenges. This guide aims…

We've written this blog to clarify why these gateway drugs are not the actual link to substance use disorders and why the real cause begins in adolescence.

Gateway Drugs: Why Adolescence Is The Real Gateway

If you’re wondering if gateway drugs cause individuals to transition to more addictive drugs, this is the article for you. There are dozens of articles and reports that mention marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol as gateway drugs that will eventually lead to harsher substances and severe drug addictions. We’ve written this blog to clarify why these…


The Dangers of Mixing Meloxicam and Alcohol

Mixing meloxicam, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, with alcohol can cause dangerous and life-threatening side effects. While meloxicam already has its own side effects to be aware of, combining it with alcohol use is even more dangerous. Understanding these dangers is essential in properly taking meloxicam. In this article, we will cover what meloxicam is, the…