Hydrocodone is a potent painkiller for severe and prolonged pain, typically prescribed when other treatments aren't effective.

More Than 25 Hydrocodone Withdrawal Symptoms You Should Know About

Hydrocodone withdrawal can be dangerous, ranging from mild symptoms, such as runny nose, chills, and sweating, to severe symptoms, such as suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and insomnia. If you’re currently taking or thinking about taking hydrocodone, this article will prepare you for what happens if you develop an opiate dependency and quit suddenly. You’ll learn more…

This article explains how to safely avoid Xanax withdrawal seizures and other symptoms through medically assisted detox programs and addiction treatment plans.

How To Avoid Xanax Withdrawal Seizures & Other Symptoms

Most people aren’t aware they can become dependent on Xanax, especially when it’s prescribed by a medical professional for anxiety. Once dependency is established, it can be challenging and uncomfortable to taper off or quit due to withdrawal symptoms, some of which include vomiting, insomnia, and seizures. This article explains how to safely avoid Xanax…

LSD and shrooms are two of the most commonly used hallucinogens in the United States and beyond, with an estimated 20 million people using LSD and 30 million using magic shrooms.

LSD Vs. Shrooms: Which Is More Addictive Or Dangerous?

LSD and shrooms are two of the most commonly used hallucinogens in the United States and beyond, with an estimated 20 million people using LSD and 30 million using magic shrooms. With more states and cities decriminalizing psilocybin and the rise of FDA-approved clinical trials, individuals are wondering if these substances are truly safe or…

This article explores how to celebrate a soberversary in a beer city since these alcohol-friendly environments can make to socialize in public while surrounded by triggers and distractions.

Celebrate Your Soberversary: Even in a Beer City

A soberversary (sober anniversary) is a great way to bring your friends and family together to celebrate an important part of you or someone else’s recovery journey. It’s also the perfect opportunity to highlight the benefits of sobriety and break down stigmatism toward sober events and parties. But this can be a challenge if you…

woman with syringes taped to her stomach

Heroin & Weight Loss: Does Heroin Make You Skinny?

The effects of substance abuse on the body are no secret, and heroin can have some of the worst side effects. While some of these effects can be painful, others can change your physical appearance. Due to its potential for weight changes, one question that has been wondered among many heroin-addicted individuals is, “Does heroin…

managing being angry when not high. man being angry then happy

Managing Being Angry When Not High: Practical Tips & Strategies

Managing being angry when not high is essential for individuals seeking to maintain sobriety and cultivate healthier emotional responses. Substance abuse can often exacerbate anger issues, making it crucial to develop effective strategies for managing this powerful emotion in sobriety. Learning to cope with anger in healthy ways can prevent relapse, strengthen relationships, and promote…

Party drugs have become a common trend in countless clubs, bars, raves, and party settings. These substances can negatively alter a person’s life and fracture their health (and well-being).

Party Drugs: Types, Dangers, & Long-Term Effects

Party drugs have become a common trend in countless clubs, bars, raves, and party settings. These substances can negatively alter a person’s life and fracture their health (and well-being). Once someone gets addicted to party drugs, it can become challenging to sober up. Fortunately, professional treatment can set you on the path to recovery and…

Here, we understand what casual drinking really is, how it impacts your health (and life), when it translates into alcoholism, the dangers of alcohol use, and how you can recover from it.

When Does Casual Drinking Translate Into Alcohol Use Disorder?

Many of us may indulge in casual drinking. While it’s common knowledge that booze and good health don’t go hand in hand, there are several grey areas when determining what is considered “moderate” or “safe” drinking. According to CDC, moderate alcohol consumption is two drinks a day for men and one for women. Here, we understand…

Using Frankenstein opioids causes significant changes in the brain and body.

Frankenstein Opioids: Ingredients, Dangers, & More

Frankenstein opioids can potentially cause extreme suffering to those who use them. These substances are often mixed with common street drugs such as cocaine and heroin, but are designed to resemble Vicodin, Percocet, or Oxycodone. In most cases, users are unaware they’re buying Frankenstein opioids. Using Frankenstein opioids causes significant changes in the brain and…

methadone medication

How Long Does Methadone Stay In Your System? Detox & More

Methadone is commonly used for pain management and as a common part of opioid addiction treatment programs. As individuals go through the addiction treatment process, they may begin to wonder: “How long does methadone stay in your system?” Understanding the timeline of methadone’s presence in the system is essential for medical professionals, individuals undergoing treatment,…