top 5 and cirrhosis

Is Detox Necessary When Treating an Alcohol Addiction?

Each year, more than 1.5 million people in the U.S. enter a detox treatment program or admit themselves into a hospital due to medical issues experienced by alcoholism. Going through detox to rid your body of this poisonous substance is definitely the right thing to do. Alcohol has a strong effect on the central nervous…


Who is Most at-risk for Opioid Addiction?

Opioids are among the most abused and addictive drugs in the United States. According to a study conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, around 10 million people ages 12 and older misused opioids in 2019, primarily due to opioid addiction. Although an opioid addiction can be developed in nearly any individual,…

Alcoholism and anxiety can often exacerbate each other and make side effects even worse

What Drugs are Considered “Uppers”?

Hundreds of substances can be addicting, including different types of illegal and prescription drugs. However, different drugs, like “uppers” and “downers”, have different effects on the human body. “Uppers”, in particular, come in many forms and affect a person in a number of ways.  “Uppers” Explained  The term “uppers” is slang for a type of…

uppers cocaine drug use in teen

Is Detox Necessary in Treating Cocaine Addiction?

Recovering from cocaine addiction is difficult but doable. One of the most important steps a person can take toward recovery is through detox. By detoxing, a person removes any and all harmful substances from their body, including cocaine. Once completed, they can begin to focus on the mental aspect of cocaine addiction.  How Does A…