
Medication-Assisted Treatment Options for Alcoholism

Not everyone is aware that there are medication assisted treatment (MAT) options for alcoholism. It’s important to keep in mind that these treatment options are not a cure for an alcohol use disorder (AUD). Medications are used to help individuals who struggle with alcoholism get their lives back on track. This is similar to the…

Alcoholism and anxiety can often exacerbate each other and make side effects even worse

Risks of “Speedballing”

There are many risks and dangers of combining substances. One of the original uses for the term “speedballing” specifically referred to the combination of cocaine and heroin. The meaning of “speedballing” has shifted over time but the basic concept remains. In the case of cocaine and heroin, an individual is abusing a combination of a…

alcohol wine mom

Tips to Wean Off Alcohol

There are many methods to wean off, reduce, or cease alcohol consumption. The utility value of tips is somewhat based on if an individual only has the occasional drink, has a daily habit of drinking within moderation, has an alcohol use disorder (AUD) or a full-blown alcohol addiction. A basic method involves time of day….

wine social alcoholic

Warning Signs of Alcohol Abuse: Common Side Effects

When it comes to alcohol abuse, there are many short-term and long-term affects that can accompany an addiction to drinking. However, there are notable warning signs of alcohol abuse that can help you understand when it’s time to take your recovery seriously. Alcoholism, or an alcohol use disorder, is one of the most prevalent addictions…

drug addict personality traits

Top 10 Major Crack Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of

The effects of smoking crack cocaine are immediate and intense, but short-lived. This fleeting high, in combination with the drug’s drastic comedown, quickly produces a desire to use more and more of the substance. This creates a high potential for overdose.  Crack cocaine has a number of harmful side-effects, both short-term and long-term. In addition…

Downers and uppers, especially when abused, can be dangerous

Fentanyl-Laced Pills: An Overdose Crisis

In 2017, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared the level of opioid addiction in the United States to be a public health crisis. This began in the 1990s after pharmaceutical companies assured medical professionals that their opioid painkillers were not addictive, and doctors began prescribing them more frequently. As a result, millions…

relapse prevention

Who are you? How Mindfulness and Meditation help to re-create the Self

Who are you? Are you your thoughts: The stories that you’ve told yourself for so long that perhaps you can’t even identify the specifics of, that perhaps are just identified as feelings or comparisons, or subtle identifying qualities, judged or affirmed? Are you your body: Growing, impacted by environment, deteriorating in less-than-ideal circumstances, and finally merging…