
How Morphine Use Can Lead to Heroin Addiction

Morphine has a long history going back to the 1800s. Morphine is created directly from naturally occurring opium harvested from poppy plants. The pharmaceutical company Merck began marketing morphine in 1827 but the substance was not commonly used until the invention of the hypodermic syringe in the 1850s. Jumping forward to contemporary times, morphine is…

alcohol and meth

What Is a Social Alcoholic?

Often times the face of social drinking has the outward appearance of laughter, comradery, and fun. On the outside, it appears to be a far cry from what one envisions when they think of the word ‘alcoholic.’ When many people hear that word, they think about people who drink around the clock, those who get…

Use holistic mental health practices such as meditation and yoga to combat depression

Self-Care in Recovery

Self-care is an essential part of the recovery process. Long-term, lasting recovery, requires dedication to remain sober and use preventative measures to avoid relapse. Don’t let others convince you that self-care is selfish. The expression that you have to “put the safety mask on yourself first” is true and accurate. You can only do so…

Alcoholism and anxiety can often exacerbate each other and make side effects even worse

Dangers of Whippets

The dangers of whippets, a common inhalant abuse, are often underestimated but can have severe and lasting effects on physical and mental health. Whippets, which involve inhaling nitrous oxide from whipped cream canisters, can cause short-term euphoria but pose significant risks, including oxygen deprivation, nerve damage, and even sudden death. Recognizing the harmful impact of…

suboxone adderall non-opioid

What is Methadone?

What is Methadone? It is used in Medicated-assisted Treatment (MAT) for decades to treat opiate abuse disorders. It has proven highly effective and can be a life-long treatment. Part of the appeal of MAT programs like methadone is that an individual with an opiate addiction can immediately begin receiving treatment without undergoing withdrawal and detox….

drug interactions

How Dangerous is Combining Percocet and Xanax?

Combining multiple substances always increases risk. Combining uppers with other uppers has risks that vary from combining downers with downers. There are other risks and side effects associated with mixing uppers with downers. In the case of combining drugs like Percocet (oxycodone) and Xanax (alprazolam), a person is abusing a prescription opiate (Percocet) and a…