Use holistic mental health practices such as meditation and yoga to combat depression

Self-Care in Recovery

Self-care is an essential part of the recovery process. Long-term, lasting recovery, requires dedication to remain sober and use preventative measures to avoid relapse. Don’t let others convince you that self-care is selfish. The expression that you have to “put the safety mask on yourself first” is true and accurate. You can only do so…

What Is Drug Abuse Relapse?

What Is Drug Abuse Relapse?

In general terms, relapse is defined as the worsening of a person’s state of health after a period of improvement. This generally refers to someone with a medical condition. Drug abuse relapse, generally also referred to simply as “relapse,” refers to a person beginning to drink or use drugs again after a period of intentional…

Opioid Relapse: How a Prevention Plan Can Help

Opioid Relapse: How a Prevention Plan Can Help

Recovery from opioid addiction is a journey, not a destination. While completing a treatment program is a significant milestone, maintaining sobriety in the long term requires ongoing effort, support, and a well-structured relapse prevention plan. At Oasis Recovery Center, we understand that opioid relapse is a common concern for individuals in recovery, but with the right…

meth addiction

5 Ways to Prevent an Alcohol Relapse

Recovery from alcoholism or any other addiction is never over. It takes constant and consistent effort and support to avoid a relapse of any kind, especially an alcohol relapse. Fortunately, there are five proven ways individuals with alcohol use disorder can prevent alcohol relapse in everyday life.  Alcoholism and Relapse  According to the 2019 National…