cocaine hangover

What is a Cocaine Hangover and How to Feel Better

A cocaine hangover, or comedown, is an unpleasant consequence caused by using the drug. The cocaine comedown phase occurs as the drug wears off and causes the opposite effects of those caused during the euphoric phase. Although many people experience hangovers with other substances like alcohol, those with cocaine hangovers experience some symptoms that are…

cocaine nose

Cocaine Nose: What is it and How Does it Happen?

The term “cocaine nose” refers to a collection of short-term or long-term cocaine-related nasal problems, ranging from chronic drippy nose to perforation of the septum and nasal septum decay.  Cocaine is a dangerous drug that is typically used recreationally. As a stimulant, cocaine creates a high and boosts mood and energy. These effects nurture dependence…


Difference Between Cocaine Dependence and Cocaine Addiction

A person who has cocaine dependence experiences withdrawal symptoms when they are not abusing cocaine. Cocaine addiction is when a person abuses cocaine on a regular basis in spite of harm and negative consequences as a result of abuse.  The 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) describes problematic cocaine…

Alcoholism and anxiety can often exacerbate each other and make side effects even worse

How Dangerous is Combining Meth and Cocaine?

Stimulant abuse has become increasingly problematic. After the crack down on pseudoephedrine that was used for a long period of time to create “street meth”, powerful drug cartels have created large-scale operations using alternative techniques. Studies have found that methamphetamine (meth) involved overdoses have tripled in recent years. The study notes that aside from the…

Avoid detrimental side effects when you avoid mixing alcohol and meth

What Does Cocaine Withdrawal Feel Like?

Withdrawal effects vary from drug to drug. Cocaine withdrawal is known to have a particularly unpleasant “come down”. Those who abuse cocaine are known to try to offset the negative feelings associated with stimulant withdrawal using anti-anxiety medications like benzodiazepines (benzos). Adding another drug, in this case a depressant or downer, introduces further complications and…

Avoid detrimental side effects when you avoid mixing alcohol and meth

How Dangerous is Combining Opioids and Cocaine?

Combining drugs is always dangerous, especially when those substances are potent on their own. Mixing depressants, like opioids, and stimulants, like cocaine, is dangerous because the effects and side effects of these drugs put additional stress on your body and mind. “Speedballing”, a term that is associated with mixing drugs like heroin and cocaine, can…

Alcohol and meth are both addictive and should never be mixed

Can Cocaine Addiction Cause Anxiety?

Some ask, “Does cocaine cause anxiety?” Learn about its side effects and how it impacts mental health. Cocaine addiction is just as serious as any other substance abuse disorder. Cocaine is a stimulant and, in turn, has different effects on different personalities. Some individuals who abuse cocaine feel intense pleasure or euphoria, talkative, and confident,…