managing being angry when not high. man being angry then happy

Managing Being Angry When Not High: Practical Tips & Strategies

Managing being angry when not high is essential for individuals seeking to maintain sobriety and cultivate healthier emotional responses. Substance abuse can often exacerbate anger issues, making it crucial to develop effective strategies for managing this powerful emotion in sobriety. Learning to cope with anger in healthy ways can prevent relapse, strengthen relationships, and promote…

Party drugs have become a common trend in countless clubs, bars, raves, and party settings. These substances can negatively alter a person’s life and fracture their health (and well-being).

Party Drugs: Types, Dangers, & Long-Term Effects

Party drugs have become a common trend in countless clubs, bars, raves, and party settings. These substances can negatively alter a person’s life and fracture their health (and well-being). Once someone gets addicted to party drugs, it can become challenging to sober up. Fortunately, professional treatment can set you on the path to recovery and…

Here, we understand what casual drinking really is, how it impacts your health (and life), when it translates into alcoholism, the dangers of alcohol use, and how you can recover from it.

When Does Casual Drinking Translate Into Alcohol Use Disorder?

Many of us may indulge in casual drinking or label ourselves as a casual drinker. While it’s common knowledge that booze and good health don’t go hand in hand, there are several grey areas when determining what is considered “moderate” or “safe” drinking while being a casual drinker. According to CDC, moderate alcohol consumption is two…

Using Frankenstein opioids causes significant changes in the brain and body.

Frankenstein Opioids: Ingredients, Dangers, & More

Frankenstein opioids can potentially cause extreme suffering to those who use them. These substances are often mixed with common street drugs such as cocaine and heroin, but are designed to resemble Vicodin, Percocet, or Oxycodone. In most cases, users are unaware they’re buying Frankenstein opioids. Using Frankenstein opioids causes significant changes in the brain and…

methadone medication

How Long Does Methadone Stay In Your System? Detox & More

Methadone is commonly used for pain management and as a common part of opioid addiction treatment programs. As individuals go through the addiction treatment process, they may begin to wonder: “How long does methadone stay in your system?” Understanding the timeline of methadone’s presence in the system is essential for medical professionals, individuals undergoing treatment,…

man and woman arguing, going through the stages of trauma bonding

How to Recognize & Escape the 7 Stages of Trauma Bonding

Trauma bonding unfolds when an abuser uses manipulation, gaslighting, and recurring patterns of abuse to make their victim form a strong bond with them. During trauma bonding, it can seem impossible for the victim to exit the relationship even though it damages their mental and physical health. There are 7 stages of trauma bonding. These…