Strengthen your familial relationships with the help of addiction recovery services in Asheville, NC

Familial Relationships and Addiction: Recovery is Possible

Familial relationships are often considered to be the foundation of emotional and psychological well-being, providing a network of support, love, and shared experiences. However, when addiction to alcohol and drugs enters the equation, these relationships can be deeply affected. Alcohol and drug abuse can create an emotional and physical rift within families, affecting individuals on…

percocet addiction ambien

Percocet Addiction – 5 Ways To Stay Sober

Staying sober is never easy. Any kind of addiction, especially a Percocet addiction, changes a person both mentally and physically. Although sobriety does heal a person, unfortunately some effects of an addiction can linger, making it difficult to stay sober. However, there are a number of proven and effective strategies a person with a Percocet…

Alcohol and meth are both addictive and should never be mixed

Can Cocaine Addiction Cause Anxiety?

Some ask, “Does cocaine cause anxiety?” Learn about its side effects and how it impacts mental health. Cocaine addiction is just as serious as any other substance abuse disorder. Cocaine is a stimulant and, in turn, has different effects on different personalities. Some individuals who abuse cocaine feel intense pleasure or euphoria, talkative, and confident,…

opioid addiction

Mixing Cocaine and Alcohol and How it Affects You

Mixing Cocaine and Alcohol is always a cause for concern and carry the potential for health risks and addiction. Alcohol is one of the most abused substances in the United States, in part, because we live in a drinking culture that often encourages drinking during social interactions and at celebrations. Cocaine is often thought of…


Can Opioid Abuse Cause Mental Health Disorders?

In many instances, a substance abuse disorder like opioid abuse is either partially the result of self-medicating for a mental health condition or results in an individual developing mental health issues. Those struggling with addiction often have a co-occurring mental health disorder. This means they also struggle with issues like depression or anxiety. It’s important…


How To Stay Sober After Recovering From Alcoholism

If you are recovering from alcoholism, staying sober should be one of the most important priorities in your life at this point. However, you may be thinking that staying sober is much easier said than done.  Alcoholism Can Be Difficult Do you feel yourself creeping towards a possible relapse? We at (Facility Name) alcoholism treatment…


Can Alcoholism Cause Depression?

Alcoholism is one of the most prevalent forms of addiction in the United States. According to some studies, one out of every eight Americans could drink enough to be considered an alcoholic. Binge drinking is especially problematic in the U.S. and disproportionately affects adolescents and young adults. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration…

opioid detox

Is Detox Necessary For Opioid Addiction Treatment?

If you or someone you love is addicted to opioids, you may have started thinking about the different treatment options out there. While the most popular programs include inpatient and outpatient treatment, there are also detox programs available for opioid addicts, which begs the question, is detox necessary before starting opioid treatment?  To answer this…