Downers and uppers, especially when abused, can be dangerous

Fentanyl-Laced Pills: An Overdose Crisis

In 2017, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared the level of opioid addiction in the United States to be a public health crisis. This began in the 1990s after pharmaceutical companies assured medical professionals that their opioid painkillers were not addictive, and doctors began prescribing them more frequently. As a result, millions…

relapse prevention

Who are you? How Mindfulness and Meditation help to re-create the Self

Who are you? Are you your thoughts: The stories that you’ve told yourself for so long that perhaps you can’t even identify the specifics of, that perhaps are just identified as feelings or comparisons, or subtle identifying qualities, judged or affirmed? Are you your body: Growing, impacted by environment, deteriorating in less-than-ideal circumstances, and finally merging…

Alcohol and Meth: Why the Two Should Not Be Mixed

Alcohol and methamphetamines (aka. “meth”) are two of the most commonly abused drugs in the United States. When combined, the intensity of substances and their sides effects can be amplified. If you or someone you care about is experimenting with combinations of drugs like alcohol and meth, Oasis Recovery encourages you to reach out to…

drug addict personality traits

5 Irreversible Side Effects of Prolonged Meth Abuse

The opioid epidemic shined a light on a major problem in American society. Methamphetamine (or “meth”) abuse has not received the same level of attention. Keeping that in mind, there have been recent promising findings that hope may be on the horizon for those struggling with meth addiction. Early intervention remains extremely important. Simply getting…

Which Drug has the Highest Overdose Death Rate?

Nearly 100,000 drug overdoses occurred between March 2020 and March 2021, which amount to an increase of almost 30%. Opioids accounted for the highest number of overdose deaths. Deaths from the general category of opioids are closely followed by the number of overdose deaths that resulted from synthetic opiates like fentanyl.  Keeping this in mind,…

alcohol wine mom

How Much Wine is Too Much?

Wine is known to have health benefits. You may have heard that a glass a day is a good idea and can even promote longevity. Keeping that in mind, there’s a clear line between having an occasional drink and alcohol use disorder (AUD). There is an ongoing debate about whether or not it’s reasonable for…

father and daughter

Get Your Fix of Dopamine: How to Increase Dopamine Naturally

Motivate, elevate, concentrate: these are all superpowers effectively influenced by the power of Dopamine. Obviously, they are not superpowers, but they certainly may seem like it to those who have found themselves lacking in these qualities and have turned to drugs for a boost. And a boost is an understatement for the effect of drugs…

Opioid Relapse: How a Prevention Plan Can Help

Opioid Relapse: How a Prevention Plan Can Help

Recovery from opioid addiction is a journey, not a destination. While completing a treatment program is a significant milestone, maintaining sobriety in the long term requires ongoing effort, support, and a well-structured relapse prevention plan. At Oasis Recovery Center, we understand that opioid relapse is a common concern for individuals in recovery, but with the right…